Company Information

Story Money Impact Foundation is a company from Vancouver BC Canada. The company has corporate status: Dissolved by the corporation (s. 220)on 2020-11-02.


This business was incorporated 8 years ago on 1st December 2016
It was dissolved on 2nd November 2020 after trading for 3 years.

Story Money Impact Foundation is governed under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act - 2016-12-01. It a company of type: Non-Soliciting.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2019-01-18.
The status of its annual filings are: 2019 -Filed, 2018 -Filed, 2017 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
  • Story Money Impact Foundation - 2016-12-01 to Present
Story Money Impact Foundation has between 3 and 12 directors.

Address & Map

736 Granville Street Suite 600 Vancouver BC V6Z 1G3, Canada

Company Officers

Name Address Town Country
GAVE LINDO 250 Wellington Street West, Suite 236 Toronto ON M5V 3P6 Canada
Liz Shorten 55 West 17th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Y 1Z5 Canada
Joel Solomon 289 Alexander Street, Suite 1014 Vancouver BC V6A 4H6 Canada
Tinu Mathur 3801 - 4880 Bennet Street Burnaby BC V5H 0C1 Canada
Andrea Nemtin 44 Alcina Ave. Toronto ON M6G 2E8 Canada
Bonnie Foley-Wong 120 West Cordova Street, Suite 1007 Vancouver BC V6B 0K2 Canada
Tracey Friesen 1155 Homer Street, Suite 1701 Vancouver BC V6B 5T5 Canada
Al Etmanski 12535 - 26nd Ave. Surrey BC V4A 2K6 Canada

Related Companies

Name Address Town Country Status
ArtsSmarts #2 - 265 LAURIER AVE. EAST OTTAWA ON, K1N 6P7 Canada Dissolved by Corporations Canada (s.222)on 2016-10-08
Social Innovation Canada 2 Saint Clair Avenue East Toronto ON, M4V 1L5 Canada Active

Nearby Businesses

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