Company Information
9918264 CANADA INC. is a company from Quyon QC Canada.
The company has corporate status: Inactive - Amalgamated intoLES ENTREPRISES S.A.F. COMBUSTION CHAUFFAGE CLIMATISATION INC.on 2023-01-01.
This business was incorporated 8 years ago on 23rd September 2016
9918264 CANADA INC. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2016-09-23. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2022-05-21.
The status of its annual filings are: 2022 -Filed, 2021 -Filed, 2020 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
- 9918264 CANADA INC. - 2016-09-23 to Present
9918264 CANADA INC. has between 1 and 10 directors.
Address & Map
3591 Route 148
Quyon QC J0X 2V0,
Company Officers
Name | Address | Town | Country |
Steven Schreiner | 3591 Québec 148 | Quyon QC J0X 2V0 | Canada |
Related Companies
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
12126621 Canada Inc. | 3591 Québec 148 | Quyon QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Active |
LES ENTREPRISES S.A.F. COMBUSTION CHAUFFAGE CLIMATISATION INC. | 183, chemin Freeman, unité 4 | Gatineau QC, J8Z 2A7 | Canada | Active |
LES ENTREPRISES S.A.F. COMBUSTION CHAUFFAGE CLIMATISATION INC. | 183 chemin Freeman, Unité 4 | Gatineau QC, J8Z 2A7 | Canada | Inactive - Amalgamated intoLES ENTREPRISES S.A.F. COMBUSTION CHAUFFAGE CLIMATISATION INC.on 2023-01-01 |
Nearby Businesses
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
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MCCOLGAN INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. | MAIN STREET | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2003-05-05 |
AGENCE G.B.F. STANDARDBRED LTEE | RR 1, CTE PONTIAC | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 1985-03-27 |
FORAGE HOSKING INC. | MCWATTERS | MCWATTERS QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Inactive - Amalgamated intoFORAGE DOMINIK (1981) INC. - / DOMINIK DRILLING (1981) INC.on 1993-04-30 |
LES PLACEMENTS AS DE COEUR LTEE | RR 1 | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 1995-08-21 |
J.R. CERE EXCAVATION LTEE | R.R. 3 | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 1995-08-15 |
The Quyon Business & Citizens Committee | 101 STANTON ROAD, PO BOX 340 | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Active |
POSTE D'ESSENCE & EPICERIE CLAUDE LTEE | 6500 ROUTE 148, CP 99 | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Active |
JOLLY EGG FARM INC. | Care of: JARED HAMILTON, 4790 5TH CONCESSION | QUYON QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Active |
PNEU RLT (RICHARD LANGEVIN) INC. | 1712 chemin Lac des Loups | Quyon QC, J0X 2V0 | Canada | Active |