Company Information

PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. is a company from Montréal QC Canada. The company has corporate status: Inactive - Amalgamated intoTRESCAL CANADA INC.on 2020-01-01.



PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2015-12-31. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2016-04-28.
The status of its annual filings are: 2018 -Filed, 2017 -Filed, 2016 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
  • PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. - 2015-12-31 to Present
PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. has between 1 and 10 directors.

Address & Map

4407, rue de Charleroi Montréal QC H1H 1G6, Canada

Company Officers

Name Address Town Country
PIERRE TÉTRAULT 3024 Rue du Sourcier Terrebonne QC J6X 4R5 Canada
François Prospert 14 AV de Buzenval Malmaison 92500 France
Jean-Philippe Gelbert Maury 499 CH. de Génissieux Saint Ismier 38330 France

Related Companies

Name Address Town Country Status
TREEGLIA INVESTISSEMENTS IMMOBILIERS INC. 22, rue de Braine Blainville QC, J7B 1Z1 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2019-10-28
Industrial Systech Ltd. 26 Automatic Road, Unit 4 Brampton ON, L6S 5N7 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoTRESCAL CANADA INC.on 2020-01-01
Digital Measurement / Metrology Inc. 26 Automatic Road, Unit 4 Brampton ON, L6S 5N7 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoTRESCAL CANADA INC.on 2020-01-01
TRESCAL CANADA INC. 4407 Rue de Charleroi Montréal QC, H1H 1T6 Canada Active
PRIMO INSTRUMENT INC. 4407 CHARLEROI MONTREAL-NORD QC, H1H 1T6 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoPRIMO INSTRUMENT INC.on 2015-12-31
9552936 Canada Inc. 3700-1 Place Ville-Marie Montréal QC, H3B 3P4 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoPRIMO INSTRUMENT INC.on 2015-12-31

Nearby Businesses

Name Address Town Country Status
7227434 CANADA INC. Care of: Robert Concilio, 4040, rue Jean Montréal QC, H1H 1G6 Canada Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2012-06-18
AURELIUS HOLDINGS INC. 4040 jean street Montreal QC, H1H 1G6 Canada Active