Company Information
7301111 CANADA INC. is a company from Toronto ON Canada.
The company has corporate status: Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2016-10-22.
This business was incorporated 15 years ago on 22nd December 2009
It was dissolved on 22nd October 2016 after trading for 6 years.
It was dissolved on 22nd October 2016 after trading for 6 years.
7301111 CANADA INC. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2009-12-22. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2014-01-30.
The status of its annual filings are: 2015 -Overdue, 2014 -Overdue, 2013 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
- 7301111 CANADA INC. - 2009-12-22 to Present
7301111 CANADA INC. has between 1 and 10 directors.
Address & Map
Care of: Peter Panopoulos
1235 Bay Street
Toronto ON M5R 3K4,
Company Officers
Name | Address | Town | Country |
Nelson Lang | 4597 Durham Road 9 | Kendal ON L0A 1E0 | Canada |
Related Companies
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
Pita Pit Limited | 11 PRINCESS STREET, SUITE 305 | KINGSTON ON, K7L 1A1 | Canada | Inactive - Amalgamated intoPITA PIT LIMITED / PITA PIT LIMITÉEon 2009-09-11 |
PITA PIT LIMITED | 425 Princess street | KINGSTON ON, K7L 1B9 | Canada | Inactive - Amalgamated intoPITA PIT LIMITED / PITA PIT LIMITÉEon 2021-09-01 |
6431925 CANADA INC. | 1235 BAY STREET, SUITE 700 | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-11-16 |
7102828 CANADA LIMITED | 11 PRINCESS STREET, SUITE 305 | KINGSTON ON, K7L 1A1 | Canada | Inactive - Amalgamated intoPITA PIT LIMITED / PITA PIT LIMITÉEon 2009-09-11 |
7232438 CANADA INC. | Care of: Peter Panopoulos, 1235 Bay Street | Toronto ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2017-06-23 |
Pita Pit International (Republic of Korea) Inc. | 1235 BAY STREET, SUITE 700 | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-09-29 |
8540071 CANADA INC. | 345 Lakeshore Road | Port Hope ON, L1A 1R2 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2022-02-09 |
8634327 Canada Inc. | 345 LAKESHORE ROAD | PORT HOPE ON, L1A 1R2 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-06-09 |
Nearby Businesses
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
RSC RECORDING STUDIOS OF CANADA INC. | 1235 BAY STREET, SUITE 400 | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 1996-03-07 |
RE:SOUND | 1235 BAY STREET | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Active |
STUDIO RA INC. | Care of: Studio Ra Inc., 1235 Bay st. suite 400 | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2008-03-13 |
ALPHA-US GROUP LTD. | 1235 BAY STREET | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2012-07-17 |
Open Sea Films Inc. | 1235 Bay Street, Suite 700 | Toronto ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Active |
Pita Pit International (Republic of Korea) Inc. | 1235 BAY STREET, SUITE 700 | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-09-29 |
Pita Pit International (UK) Inc. | Suite 400, 1235 Bay Street | Toronto ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2014-12-23 |
BIE CONSULTING INC. | 1235 BAY STREET, SUITE 400 | TORONTO ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2015-05-31 |
Z Recruit Inc. | 1235 Bay St, suite 400 | Toronto ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2017-03-26 |
Validus NA Inc. | 1235 Bay Street, Suite 400 | Toronto ON, M5R 3K4 | Canada | Inactive - Amalgamated intoValidus NA Inc.on 2023-01-03 |