Company Information

ROLAI INVESTMENTS INC. is a company from Oakville ON Canada. The company has corporate status: Active.


This business was incorporated 20 years ago on 21st October 2004

ROLAI INVESTMENTS INC. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2004-10-21. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2023-10-21.
The status of its annual filings are: 2024 - Not due, 2023 -Filed, 2022 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
  • ROLAI INVESTMENTS INC. - 2004-10-21 to Present
ROLAI INVESTMENTS INC. has between 1 and 4 directors.

Address & Map

126 Ballmer Trail Oakville ON L6H 0V5, Canada

Company Officers

Name Address Town Country
ROTIMI OYEKANMI 126 Ballmer Trail Oakville ON L6H 0V5 Canada

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