Company Information
The Answer Genetix Inc. is a company from Saint-Lazare QC Canada.
The company has corporate status: Active.
This business was incorporated 2 years ago on 2nd May 2022
The Answer Genetix Inc. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2022-05-02. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2023-06-01.
The status of its annual filings are: 2024 -Due to be filed, 2023 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
- The Answer Genetix Inc. - 2022-05-02 to Present
The Answer Genetix Inc. has between 4 and 10 directors.
Address & Map
2572 Croissant Citation Point
Saint-Lazare QC J7T 2A1,
Company Officers
Name | Address | Town | Country |
JAMIE LEITHMAN | 14396 rue Lamer | Pierrefonds QC H9H 5N2 | Canada |
Ronaldo Ramsingh | 7085 Rue de Lunan | Brossard QC J4Y 3K4 | Canada |
Zachary Tietolman | 2572 Croissant citation point | Saint-Lazare QC J7T 2A1 | Canada |
Sasha Maximilien Przytyk | 2179 Chemin Ménard | Coaticook QC J1A 2S5 | Canada |
Related Companies
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
Masterz Grow Consultant Inc. | Care of: Zachary Tietolman, 2572 Croissant Citation Point | Saint-Lazare QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Active |
Magnetic Beauty Inc. | 2572 Croissant citation point | Saint-Lazare QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Active |
FLAWLESS FIELDS INC. | 4454 rue Garand | Montreal QC, H4R 2A2 | Canada | Active |
NEPTUNE OF THE NORTH LTD. | Care of: Neptune of the North Ltd., 5255, 4e Rang | Sainte Rosalie QC, J2S 2C8 | Canada | Active |
14246322 Canada Inc. | 11439 234A Street | Maple Ridge BC, V2X 5P8 | Canada | Active |
4352777 CANADA INC. | 14396 Lamer Street | Montréal QC, H9H 5N2 | Canada | Active |
SublimeCulture Inc. | 11439 234A Street | Maple Ridge BC, V2X 5P8 | Canada | Active |
9172106 CANADA INC. | 3551 St. Charles Boulevard, Suite 406 | Kirkland QC, H9H 3C4 | Canada | Active |
COATSTORE.COM INC. | 3551 St. Charles Boulevard, Suite 406 | Kirkland QC, H9H 3C4 | Canada | Active |
Nearby Businesses
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
87454 CANADA LTEE | 2814 POLO DRIVE | ST-LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2010-06-17 |
DUKE DOUCET SPORTS INC. | 2874 HUNTSMENS PASS,J1 | ST-LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2007-01-11 |
VETEMENTS PROMOTIONNELS SPECIAL T PROMOTIONAL WEAR INC. | 2678 Brady | St-Lazare QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2017-08-13 |
E & P CAP INC. | 2610 Rue Yearling | Saint-Lazare QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Active |
SAFETY TESTING SERVICES (S.T.S.) INC. | 2639 BELMONT | ST-LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2010-07-06 |
JET JAPANESE EXTREME TUNING AUTOSPORTS INC. | 2610 HIALEAH | ST-LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2005-09-19 |
IMMICAN 3I INC. | 2785 RUE DU POLO DRIVE | SAINT-LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2003-06-23 |
VHD TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION | 2601 DE LA MARTINGALE | ST. LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2013-04-26 |
Saturn Six Media Inc. | Care of: MICHEL CHARBONNEAU, 2665 KENTUCKY | SAINT-LAZARE QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2011-03-10 |
C-Micro Systems Inc. | 2614, Place de Pimlicoe | Saint-Lazare QC, J7T 2A1 | Canada | Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2023-12-31 |