Company Information

SODACA COMPANY INC. is a company from Saint-lambert QC Canada. The company has corporate status: Dissolved by the corporation (s. 211)on 2019-03-26.


This business was incorporated 6 years ago on 27th March 2018
It was dissolved on 26th March 2019 after trading for 0 years.

SODACA COMPANY INC. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2018-03-27. It a company of type: Not available.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is Not available.
The status of its annual filings are: Not available.
This company has had the following names:
  • SODACA COMPANY INC. - 2018-03-27 to Present
SODACA COMPANY INC. has between 1 and 10 directors.

Address & Map

235 logan Saint-lambert QC J4P 1H4, Canada

Company Officers

Name Address Town Country
Danny Bergeron 235 logan Saint-lambert QC J4P 1H4 Canada
Sonia Marques 2248 rue des Pervenches Longueuil QC J4N 1P6 Canada
Carla Marques 2248 rue des Pervenches Longueuil QC J4N 1P6 Canada

Related Companies

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LES PRODUCTIONS SYON INC. 235 Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2020-01-30
KOMOTION INC. 418 RUE SHERBROOKE EST., BUREAU 300 MONTREAL QC, H2L 1J6 Canada Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2004-01-06
3651380 CANADA INC. 418 RUE SHERBROOKE EST, BUREAU 300 MONTREAL QC, H2L 1J6 Canada Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 2005-11-02
SYON MEDIA INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoSYON MEDIA INC.on 2015-04-30
MOKKO STUDIO INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 1711 St-Patrick MONTREAL QC, H3K 3G9 Canada Active
4427904 CANADA INC. 235 Rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2020-12-15
BEANTO FILMS INC. 235 RUE LOGAN SAINT-LAMBERT QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-12-21
MOKKO ANIMATION INC. 1711 SAINT-PATRICK MONTREAL QC, H3K 3G9 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2014-03-07
ORMUS DISTRIBUTION INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-08-21
WIZZFILMS (X) INC. 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoSYON MEDIA INC.on 2015-04-30

Nearby Businesses

Name Address Town Country Status
SYON MEDIA INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoSYON MEDIA INC.on 2015-04-30
4427904 CANADA INC. 235 Rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2020-12-15
BEANTO FILMS INC. 235 RUE LOGAN SAINT-LAMBERT QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-12-21
ORMUS DISTRIBUTION INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-08-21
WIZZFILMS (X) INC. 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoSYON MEDIA INC.on 2015-04-30
Wizz Interactive Inc. 235, rue Logan St-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-07-11
SYON FILMS INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235, rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2016-02-29
Bergco Holdings Inc. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235 rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2016-01-26
SYON MEDIA INC. Care of: Danny Bergeron, 235 rue Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Active
SYON INTERACTIVE INC. 235 Logan Saint-Lambert QC, J4P 1H4 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2017-09-01