Company Information
Backbone Hosting Solutions Inc. is a company from Brossard QC Canada.
The company has corporate status: Active.
This business was incorporated 7 years ago on 13th June 2017
Backbone Hosting Solutions Inc. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 2017-06-13. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2018-12-18.
The status of its annual filings are: 2024 - Not due, 2023 -Filed, 2022 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
- Backbone Hosting Solutions Inc. - 2017-06-13 to Present
Backbone Hosting Solutions Inc. has between 1 and 10 directors.
Address & Map
1040 rue du Lux
Suite 312
Brossard QC J4Y 0E3,
Company Officers
Name | Address | Town | Country |
Benoit Gobeil | 110 Yonge Street, Suite 1601 | Toronto ON M5C 1T4 | Canada |
Jeffrey Lucas | 25 Fairmont Street | Belmont MA 02478 | United States |
Related Companies
Name | Address | Town | Country | Status |
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