Company Information

LES ACIERS RICHELIEU INC. is a company from SOREL QC Canada. The company has corporate status: Active.


This business was incorporated 44 years ago on 5th March 1980

LES ACIERS RICHELIEU INC. is governed under the Canada Business Corporations Act - 1980-03-05. It a company of type: Non-distributing corporation with 50 or fewer shareholders.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2023-12-28.
The status of its annual filings are: 2024 -Filed, 2023 -Filed, 2022 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
  • RICHELIEU STEEL INC. - 2001-09-28to Present
  • LES ACIERS RICHELIEU INC. - 1980-03-05to 2001-09-28
LES ACIERS RICHELIEU INC. has between 1 and 10 directors.

Address & Map

190 DU ROI SOREL QC J3P 4N5, Canada

Company Officers

Name Address Town Country
Patrick Doyon 28, rue Rochefort Saint-Robert QC J0G 1S0 Canada
Éric Durand 127, chemin Ste-Anne Sorel-Tracy QC J3P 1J6 Canada

Related Companies

Name Address Town Country Status
LES PLACEMENTS ÉRIC DURAND INC. Care of: Éric Durand, 190, rue du Roi Sorel-Tracy QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Active
12411652 CANADA INC. 300, rue Cormier Sorel-Tracy QC, J3R 1V2 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoUsinage St-Laurent inc.on 2023-11-01
Place Marianne Inc. 190, rue du Roi Sorel-Tracy QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Active
Usinage St-Laurent inc. 300 Rue Cormier Sorel-Tracy QC, J3R 1V2 Canada Active
Usinage St-Laurent inc. 300, rue Cormier Sorel-Tracy QC, J3R 1V2 Canada Inactive - Amalgamated intoUsinage St-Laurent inc.on 2023-11-01

Nearby Businesses

Name Address Town Country Status
ACIER SOREL INC. 160 RUE DU ROI SOREL QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Dissolved for non-compliance (s. 212)on 1995-07-25
LES PLACEMENTS ÉRIC DURAND INC. Care of: Éric Durand, 190, rue du Roi Sorel-Tracy QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Active
Place Marianne Inc. 190, rue du Roi Sorel-Tracy QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Active
LES ENTREPOTS RIVE-SUD INC. 190 DU ROI SOREL QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2009-04-07
3308758 CANADA INC. 190 RUE DU ROI SOREL QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Active
AIR NATURE INC. 190 rue Du Roi Sorel-Tracy QC, J3P 4N5 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2013-11-12