Company Information

Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie Haute-Yamaska is a company from Granby QC Canada. The company has corporate status: Active.



Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie Haute-Yamaska is governed under the Boards of Trade Act - Part I - 1900-04-25. It a company of type: Not available.
The date of the company's last Annual Meeting is 2022-06-21.
The status of its annual filings are: 2024 - Not due, 2023 -Filed, 2022 -Filed.
This company has had the following names:
  • Chambre de commerce Haute-Yamaska - 2018-11-22to 2021-03-26
  • Chambre de commerce du district Granby-Bromont - 1996-07-17to 2005-05-10
  • Granby Board of Trade - 1900-04-25to 1980-02-28
Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie Haute-Yamaska has between 11 and 11 directors.

Address & Map

155, Saint-Jacques, bureau 203 Granby QC J2G 9A7, Canada

Company Officers

Name Address Town Country
Sonia Bouthiette 29, Bernières Granby QC J2H 0S6 Canada
Olivier Sumard 1100, omer Deslauriers Granby QC J2J 0S7 Canada
Daniel Villemaire 8 du Bosquet Mansonville QC J0E 1X0 Canada
Chani Perrier 42, d'Anjou Granby QC J2H 2N3 Canada
Jean-Francois Arsenault 602, du Noisetier Granby QC J2H 3A4 Canada
Genevieve Parent 16, rue de Montebello Granby QC J2H 2L6 Canada
Mickael Barriault 331, 3e Avenue Shefford QC J2G 7M4 Canada
Antony Leclerc 513, rue Claude-Monet Granby QC J2J 2R7 Canada
Karine Gaudreault 161, rue du Chèvrefeuille Granby QC J2H 3A3 Canada
FREDERIC LAFLAMME 1047, Dufferin Granby QC J2H 0T5 Canada

Related Companies

Name Address Town Country Status
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Nearby Businesses

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DOMINIQUE GAUDET ET FILS LTEE 155 RUE ST-JACQUES, SUITE 302 GRANBY QC, J2G 9A7 Canada Dissolved by the corporation (s. 210)on 2002-06-10
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